Live On Suicide Prevention Playbook
Client: Live On
When a news story about a man saving the life of another went viral, the reporter on the scene remarked, “For those who are not trained, there’s no playbook to follow on how to save a person from trying to end their own life.”
This somber statement became the inspiration for the Live On Suicide Prevention Playbook, a 10-part course that teaches how to become a suicide prevention ambassador. The course is taught entirely through Instagram, making it free and accessible to all.
Click below to visit each Live On Playbook lesson and become a suicide prevention ambassador.
Creative + Art Direction
Phil Smallwood
John Worthington
Kelsey Martinez
Motion Graphics
Cameron Pinegar
Lindsey Duncan
Hannah McDonald
Social Media + Content Marketing
Adam Durfee
Micajah Milne
Video Editor
David Bradshaw
Lizzi Perkins
Brand Manager
Heidi Ertel